Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Fun 8.17.12

Hi sweet ones.

I have a seriously random collection of things to share with you today, so I apologize for the lack of thematic organization, but I do hope you find something interesting that strikes your fancy.

  • Funny secrets from some NYC restaurants

  • Interesting to read this article called "The Power of Negative Thinking."  Just goes to show you - everything in moderation (including positive thinking!).

  • This looks awfully comfy and cozy, doesn't it:
If only it wasn't over $12,000.

  • PlayDoh is awesome.  I had way too much fun playing with it this morning with the girls:
Not bad, right?

  • Again with my art obsession, I may have to buy some of this washi tape.
Crafty Japan on Etsy has tons to chose from.
Love it!

  • And finally, a few beautiful images that I saw on Pinterest and just love:

Sweet dreams, everyone.

Have a great weekend and I will see you back here on Monday.

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