Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thursday's Threads 8.16.12

First off, a big   H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y   to my friend, SC, down in RVA!  Hope it has been a great day for you and that you are celebrating with lots of laughs and drinks tonight!  xoxo

For the rest of us -

One more day until the weekend!  What are your plans?  Going away?  Staying home?  Swimming in the pool?  Going to the beach?  Summer is ending, friends, so live it up and let summer go out with a bang.  Meanwhile, I will try to follow that advice and do the same...

I have been searching for lots of fun fall outfits and clothing to show you today, but I've got to say, I didn't come up with a ton.  What I did find I really do love, and I hope you do too.  On to the threads, baby:

This is a nice one to start with.
Easing into fall with bright colors and white jeans - 
I like it.
Cool large sparkly clutch, too!

I love this look of a t-shirt with big fun jewelry layered on top.
I would probably wear this with pants - maybe jeans or black pants  -
and a big bag in which to throw all of my tools of motherhood.
Don't get me wrong, I love the big clutch,
but for everyday use, I need a bag that can hold all of my stuff.

Another example of a tee with great jewels.
Easy for everyday, right?
I'm loving it!

This is probably most people's weekend look,
but this is something I would wear everyday.
*Not the shoes, though.  No, those aren't me at all.
But I really like the comfy jeans and
the slouchy sweatshirt with the bright tank peeking out.
I'd add some jewelry of course (why not add some sparkle and pizazz?)
and a different bag, but you get the idea...

Love this!
I think I need some Converse (can you see the studs on the outside?)
because they just look good for everyday wear.
The cool jacket and simple tee topped off with a big scarf -
(You know me and my scarves.)
This is probably my favorite look of today's pics.

This one is a good option if you're not feeling
like wearing a t-shirt and want something a bit nicer.
Cute blouse, right?
And again with a great, big necklace.

Love this Zara coat.
I just may have to go check it out in person,
and then I'll report back to let you know what I think.

Great look!
Nice jeans and fab motorcycle jacket.
I have been seeing lots of leather
and tons of motorcycle jackets for the fall.
This whole outfit rocks.

Well, that's all I've got for you tonight.  I know, not much, and I am sorry for that.  But you know what?  I'd rather keep sharing only great stuff, even if that means not having a ton of photos to post.  I'll start searching high and low for next week so I have a nice, juicy Threads post for you next time.  And if you have anything that you think I might like, leave a comment and I will definitely look into it!


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