Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Name

That's right! I have a new name to reflect my new direction and new attitude. I have to incorporate my daily life and kiddies and loves and passions in one place, and I think this new blog name encompasses it all. Photos will be coming soon!

New Attitude

Ok, so life as a stay at home mom can most certainly be tedious. And boring. And repetitive. But it's also just so amazing.

P started school this week, and while she is only going 3 days per week, it's just incredible to see her go off on her own and have these fantastic new experiences. I have to give myself (and B, the most wonderful father and husband) a little pat on the back because I think that some of what we've done over the last 3 years has worked. I mean, she's happy (most of the time), she is friendly (usually), she is sweet (unless she's being rotten), and she's smart (but every parent thinks that about their child, right?). I'm just proud of her. And proud of us. I feel good about how we've raised her over the last 3 years. Don't get me wrong, we have certainly made plenty of mistakes, but we'll hopefully not make those same mistakes with L.

I love my family. I'm a lucky lady, and I am trying to remember that and not get carried away about the little things.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


It's been a while, huh? Almost a year and a half, to be more specific.

Well, mommy needs to get back to her creative outlet. These little ladies (yes, I have two now!) are wonderful, but my brain is getting a little mushy from the day to day life as a stay at home mom.

Our summer was wonderful (mostly because daddy, who is a teacher, was home with us), but now that we're settling back into our life here in NYC, things are rough. We're not sleeping well, eating well, or playing well. It's just hard. And boring. There, I said it, being a stay at home mom can be boring. I sometimes feel like I may rip my hair out with frustration and I practically cry with joy when I get to be around my adult friends. So I've finally admitted that I need some part time help, and hopefully that will help me to really enjoy this crazy ride of motherhood.

P starts nursery school on Wednesday and I am so excited for her. But man is there a lot I need to do before then. Yikes!

So, to get to the good stuff, I wanted to tell you about the room we've made for the girls. Yes, we're trying to have them share a room, but L (the baby) gets up at 5am and P needs to sleep until at least 7am. So as I write this, L is asleep in a little pack n play in our room and P is in the big bedroom all to herself (you see, this summer we switched the rooms around so the girls would get the larger of the two bedrooms and we'd have the little bedroom). Hopefully the sleep issues will improve sometime soon and mommy and daddy can have their room back.

In the meantime, here is the fantastic bunk bed that should be arriving for P and L any day now:

L won't be sleeping in it anytime soon, but it's cute, no? Ours has a twin bed on the bottom, and our sheets/blankets will be quite sweet. I'm getting into decorating their room. Oh, and the walls are blue. We didn't want anything too pink and girly...