Monday, April 7, 2008

Don't be Ranunculus!

One of my favorite blogs, Apartment Therapy, had a post today about some gorgeous ranunculuses (what is the plural of ranunculus? ranunculae? ranunculuss?) that I had to share with you because they are my favorite flower:

For your viewing pleasure, here are a few more photos of these incredible little flowers:



I really need to go to California (where this photo was taken)!



Emily said...

They are my favorites too!
Emily from Houston-

wobbin said...

here in n texas, it is the first brave little bloom in my yard. i am so glad to know what it is...i will plant more, really don't remember where it came from but it keeps on coming back! it's out there with the lady banks rose, some blooms on the sage and rosemary, and a few dianthus or sweet williams. I love spring!

kayare said...

They just recently did the lanscaping in front of 'Peter Pan's Flight' at Disneyland Anaheim and those are the flowers they put in. IT's the first time I've seen those flowers and I was flabbergasted when I saw them. They really are beautiful